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Capitalism. What is it? If you search up the definition, Google defines it simply as “an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.” Yet, the social system is not that simple, Capitalism in all its glory is a psychological ideology that creates lack within humans: a lack for consumption and materialistic goods. For example, did you see those new Calvin Klein leggings, or that new Gucci bag? In all honesty though, who cares.

However, the fashion industry thrives under its hyper-capitalistic business. Customers continuously purchase mass produced clothes, which are thrown away after six or seven wears, only to hunt for more bargains and sales. Not only that, the fashion industry has become so monopolized that “60% of the luxury goods market is concentrated in just 35 brands,” according to Tansy Hoskins, author of Stitched Up. The rich bigwigs at the top of the chain flourish on their market and offer constant promotions to hide their dark secret of exploiting garment factory workers in developing countries.

In the end, the fashion industry is no longer driven by creativity and innovation; it’s driven by profit.

(For a deeper look, check out this video on "happiness.")



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