FASHION SHOW & POP UP SHOP: I'm a s.l.u.t.
Located at Global Prep Academy, Re EnVogue is proud to present its own fashion show/pop-up shop featuring renovated clothes from donations and thrift stores. Join us on this exclusive day to learn about the hidden truth of fast fashion, from its negative environmental impact to child labor and garment factories. Attached to every article of clothing is a tag that explains our mission for this project: to raise awareness of sustainable fashion and demonstrate ways to up cycle clothes. Additionally, a giveaway will be held at the end of the night and all proceeds will go towards the non-profit organizations: Fashion Revolution, Labour Behind the Label, and Girls Not Brides.
Thank you to everyone who came out and supported our cause. Together, we successfully raised a collective total of over $1900. :)
Global Prep Academy
23310 Cinema Drive Ste #105
Valencia, CA 91355
WHEN: February 24th @ 5:00 p.m.